At the start of a new year we all tend to look back on the previous year and tot up that list – the things we meant to do, but never quite got round to. Here at Paragon, we want to make 2016 the year you tackle those every day mobile workforce annoyances and make your life easier by implementing a proof of delivery solution. We’ve collated 3 of the most common mobile workforce problems that we think you should make your new year’s resolution to solve!

Go paperless

Does replacing that endless pile of delivery notes on your desk with one simple browser tab sound appealing? Then you need a proof of delivery solution that will enable you to view the progress of all of your team’s daily jobs in real time and electronically access the completed POD report with signature, notes and photos. In addition to alleviating the frustration a paperwork mountain can cause, there are numerous benefits to implementing an electronic system – reductions in administrative costs, elimination of lost or damaged delivery notes and instant access to relevant data, not to mention the environmental benefits.

Improve customer service – Improving customer service is often overlooked as a means of improving profitability, however, providing a superior customer service can lead to increased brand loyalty, enhanced reputation and a reduction in the number of customer disputes. Employing an electronic proof of delivery solution facilitates a simple and consistent on-site process for both your customer and mobile worker. In addition, your central service team can quickly access relevant data to resolve customer queries and POD data can also be displayed in customer portals or extranets improving customer service at multiple touchpoints throughout your operation.

Easily streamline business processes – What difference would it make if you could achieve a smoother procedure here, make more data available there or find a less laborious way to complete certain tasks? With a fully electronic proof of delivery solution, you can streamline your current business processes and even implement some new procedures with little disruption to your operation. The use of electronic data capture systems does not stop with the collection of proof of delivery data, in fact you can collect any business specific information required and incorporate other jobs that may not get done often enough easily and quickly into your daily routine. For example, you could collect daily vehicle checklist information, driver break forms, customer satisfaction surveys and much more with the aggregated data electronically accessible whenever you need it.

With a simple implementation process and a friendly team to help get you started there really is no reason to delay. Start your proof of delivery software project now and then sit back and relax as fleXipod brings you a stress free 2016!

Get in touch with one of our team to find out how you can improve your business by implementing an electronic proof of delivery solution.

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