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Focusing on Helping Drivers Become Better Brand Ambassadors

In an increasingly digital world, your bricks and mortar stores, and in-store staff, may no longer be the first touchpoint your customers have with your brand. As a result, your final mile service needs to deliver a quality customer experience and inspire trust in your brand. Although often overlooked as potential brand ambassadors, your drivers are one of the biggest assets at your disposal to achieve increased customer loyalty.

For online-only retailers and service providers without customer-facing facilities this is even more important. Drivers in these organisations may be the only physical contact your customer ever has with your brand, so ensuring the on-site experience inspires confidence and trust is critical. No matter your industry, the doorstep service must leave a positive impression in order to increase customer satisfaction, avoid negative reviews on social media and encourage return custom.

So, how can you make your drivers better brand ambassadors?

With more deliveries or services to complete, growing congestion to contend with and increasingly strict customer satisfaction KPIs to achieve your drivers are under more pressure than ever. Simplifying mobile processes, providing effective training and improving working conditions as much as possible can help keep your drivers happy and make it easier for them to focus on customer service. Not only will this help your drivers become your best brand ambassadors, but keeping them happy and engaged in their work can also help with staff retention and attract new recruits amid the growing driver shortage.

Keep them happy and engaged 

An important aspect of good customer service is personalised human interaction. An example of where brands are tapping into this is the addition of a driver’s name on day-of-delivery notifications, but there is nothing better than a friendly worker on the other side of the door to promote a positive brand image. A dissatisfied employee will not be able or willing to deliver your desired customer experience. Instead, ensuring your drivers are an engaged workforce and bought in to your service ethos will help them naturally leave customers with a positive viewpoint. Steps you can take to ensure this will vary from business to business, but can include:

Train and support them in providing your delivery experience

It is unrealistic to expect your drivers to provide the best customer service possible without training. Not only do they need to learn and become comfortable with your vision of the customer’s doorstep experience, but they also need to understand how these processes benefit the organisation as a whole. Driver training should include:

  • brand delivery aims and how driver actions can have an impact on these
  • expected processes for both typical and non-standard outcomes
  • familiarisation with any technology your drivers will be required to use
  • chances for drivers to discuss challenges and shape the delivery service

A well-organised training programme – including ongoing support – will bring to light any potential challenges for your drivers. Ensuring they are comfortable with the required procedures can help ensure each of your customers receive a consistent and positive experience. Perhaps one of the best-known driver training programmes is provided by UPS. Its drivers undergo extensive training covering topics such as safe driving, customer service and company ethics with the aim of creating a loyal, skilled set of drivers who are better able to promote a positive brand image for every delivery. No matter what scale you are able to achieve, conducting some degree of training will ensure your drivers are prepared and confident in the service they have to provide, improving the delivery experience and reducing the risk of negative reviews.

Provide them with the technology to deliver your service easily

Even if your drivers support your vision for the customer delivery experience, if the processes involved in its execution are difficult, time-consuming or frustrating for them to complete, they will be unable to provide the service you desire. The right technology can keep your drivers happy and help safeguard your customer service. For example, a proof of delivery application will remove delivery paperwork, guide your drivers through desired processes and ensure they have all of the details they need. Whatever technology you choose to provide, it is important to ensure that it works consistently and drivers know how to use it confidently – even when new features are released or process are tweaked. This will avoid creating challenges for your drivers and disrupting your customer service aims. For example, when implementing a proof of delivery application, it is important to ensure the software responds quickly so as not to cause delays for your driver.

In many organisations, drivers are an underutilized resource when it comes to building an outstanding customer experience. Recognising their value and addressing any frustrations they may have regarding delivery processes or working practices can keep your drivers happy and encourage them to become your best brand ambassadors. Organisations that take advantage of this opportunity can differentiate their doorstep customer service, building strong and lasting relationships with their customers and improving buyer loyalty as a result.

Discover how implementing a proof of delivery application can help your drivers deliver outstanding customer service and encourage them to become better brand ambassadors .

Alternatively, get in touch with one of our experienced team to discuss your last mile customer service requirements.

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